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Join us for our next PPSV Image Competition!
Submissions Open - Oct 28th
Submissions Closes - Nov 10th, 11 pm
Competition Nov 13th @ 6pm
Sponsor for Best of Show - Bay Photo 20x30 Metal Print.
We are continuing to use PrintCompetition.com so see below for instructions to enter and watch the competition!!
Why enter?
- You receive professional feedback in a positive environment
- It's an excellent way to learn and grow your artistic skills
- There's an opportunity for PPSV members to win fabulous prizes
- PPSV Members qualify for annual awards such as Photographer of the Year and Category Winners
When: November 13th at 6:00pm, via Zoom & printcompetition.com
- Portraits
- Weddings & Events
- Commercial
- Photojournalism
- Open Illustrative
- Artist
Each image is judged against PPA’s 12 Criteria for Merit Image
Competition rules can be viewed here Rules & Info
Start time (pacific time zone)
6:00 pm PPSV announcements, Q&A, judge introductions
~6:15 pm competition starts, ends approximately 9:30 pm
Deadline for image submissions: November 10, 2024 11:00 pm
11:00pm Pacific Time, the evening BEFORE competition day.
You will be sent a zoom link once you register. It will also be available in the GameDay app on printcompetition.com.
Fee: The fee for PPSV, PPWC, and PPSCV members is $10.00 per image. Guest fee is $15.00 per image.
Note: You will need to register with printcompetition.com and minimally pay for the BASIC membership to ENTER images for competition (The cost for basic is ~$13 yearly. Premium is ~$17 Quarterly or ~$63 annually.) You can use the free account to just watch the competition.
Steps for entering the PPSV Image Competition:
- Log-in to your Printcompetition.com account
- Choose the PPSV Logo (available once a competition is open for registration)
- Scroll down to the “Create New Image Entry” and click on the link
- Enter the Image Title
- Select the Image Category
- Click on the “Create New Entry” link
- Scroll down to the “Entries for the Upcoming Event” section and upload your image(s)
- Once uploaded, click on the “Pay Image Fees” link (located in the red bar above the “Create New Image Entry” link) and pay according to the number of entries uploaded. Any entries not paid for prior to the competition night will be removed from the competition. Note: once paid, fees may not be refunded.
DEMO VIDEO of the Instructions for setting up account and entering images.
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