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Shannon Squires Toews - Fine Art Composite Workshop

  • 20 Oct 2023
  • 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • 2224 Auburn Blvd., Sacramento, CA
  • 10


  • Use this if you only plan to attend BOTH days of Shannon's Workshop - YOU DO NOT NEED TO SIGN UP ON THE 1st Day Form - You will be registered for BOTH Days with this option.

    THIS IS ONLY for PPWC and PPSCV Affiliates - your registration will be validated with your affiliate.
  • Use this if you only plan to attend 1 Day (The Second Day) of Shannon's Workshops

    THIS IS ONLY for PPWC and PPSCV Affiliates - your registration will be validated with your affiliate.
  • Use this if you only plan to attend BOTH days of Shannon's Workshop - YOU DO NOT NEED TO SIGN UP ON THE 2nd Day Form - You will be registered for BOTH Days with this option.
  • Use this if you only plan to attend 1 Day (The first Day) of Shannon's Workshops
  • Use this if you only plan to attend BOTH days of Shannon's Workshop - YOU DO NOT NEED TO SIGN UP ON THE 1st Day Form - You will be registered for BOTH Days with this option.
  • Use this if you only plan to attend 1 Day (The Second Day) of Shannon's Workshops

Registration is closed

Workshop Day 2

Day two will be focusing on compositing and adding composite type elements to an image to create a unique one-of-a- kind art piece for your clients.

Learn How To:

  • Cut a subject shot in studio, then perfect placement onto a digital backdrop.
  • Use Photoshop tools to cut subjects seamlessly.
  • Blend digital objects and meshing colors.
  • Properly size objects and subject.
  • Shadow and shape light so your images are cohesive.
  • Use layer masks to blend and manipulate.
  • Build up your 'digital' background to create a full scene
  • ·Play with shadows and highlights, softening layers and subjects, and bring it all together for a final work of art.
  • Work in channel mixer to adjust background tones
  • Digital portrait painting for a final and stunning fine art portrait.

Shannon is a nationally recognized award-winning photographer based in Colorado Springs. In 2019 Shannon won her first 1st place GIA in the Children’s category and went on to win another two more, before winning the overall GIA in 2020. In addition to her GIA wins, Shannon has also been a part of Team U.S.A. in 2022 and 2023 with two images on the team each year. 

Shannon started photography in high school with film photography before attending Art school in Seattle where she earned her Associate degree in Commercial Photography. Shannon also has her Master photographer degree, Master Artist Degree, Cpp, Craftsmen degree, and Image excellence, through Professional photographers of America.

When Shannon is not teaching around the U.S., working with clients in her studio, or creating educational tutorials for her online academy, she is spending time with her family and 3 young children.

All-Day Workshop:

  • $99 PPSV Members
  • $159 PPSV Members both days
  • $179  (PPWC & PPSCV)
  • $279 (PPWC & PPSCV) both days
  • $299 Non-Members each day

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Professional Photographers of Sacramento Valley
Est. 1953

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